
Tenaga administrasi sekolah
Tenaga administrasi sekolah

Hal ini juga dibenarkan oleh Melly komunitas Menata Keluarga (Emka Land), pendidikan dirumah saat ini melemah. Orangtua membentuk paguyuban mulai dari tingkat kelas hingga sekolah. Sementara itu, Agus Hariyadi, pengajar Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri jejeran, Bantul, mengatakan keterlibatan orangtua dalam pendidikan anak dilakukan lewat komite madrasah. Karena itu, sekolah perlu mengembangkan program yang memberikan informasi dan pengetahuan tentang pola asuh yang baik. Banyak anak bermasalah karena pola asuh keluarga yang keliru. Menurut Rini, Kepala School Life Lebah Putih, pendidikan keluarga harus diperkuat. Kini upaya menyinergi peran sekolah dan orangtua demi keberhasilan mendidik anak-anak di sekolah dikembangkan sejumlah sekolah dan komunitas. Pendidikan anak usia sekolah tidak hanya tanggung jawab guru, tetapi juga peran orangtua. The fact that there are problems was confirmed by Melly from the Menata Keluarga Community, who said that education provided in the home nowadays was weak despite the fact that a child’s character and interest in learning all came from his or her parents. Parents, he said, oversaw everything from the assignment of children to particular classes to the school itself. Meanwhile, Agus Haryiyadi, a teacher at Jejeran State Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Bantul, said that the involvement of parents in the education of their children was implemented through the school committee.

tenaga administrasi sekolah

For that reason, schools needed to develop programs to disseminate information on proper parenting. Many children experienced difficulties due to incorrect parenting patterns.

tenaga administrasi sekolah

Synergies are now being developed by a number of schools and communities so as to improve collaboration between parents and the schools.Īccording to Rini, the principal of School Life Lebah Putih, the role of the family in education needed to be enhanced. The education of school-age children is not just the responsibility of teachers, but should also involve parents.

Tenaga administrasi sekolah